Monday, May 03, 2010

Look what Drew do...

If you have ears... give it a listen

Sure, you can stream it for free, and that's fine... But I have to tell you, having this album in my hand is an experience I haven't had since middle school. Do you remember what it was like to save up for a record or cassette? and when you got it, you just drank it up - every bit? Or that first time you listened to Dark Side of the Moon all the way through? This isn't just a CD. It is no collection of songs thrown in a playlist. This is perhaps Drew's finest work to date. I'm thumbing through the art book that comes with the disc and I'm getting lost in the adventure of the story.

When is the last time you sat in a nice chair and let music wash over you while you got lost in the artwork on the album cover?

Goodnight Dannii is a great reason to fire up the hi-fi and let loose. I don't think you'll be disappointed.


1 comment:

Miranda said...

can't wait. :)