Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Steve announces last weekend that we are going to take family pictures and my year was made. I know how much he despises this occasion like hot needles in his eyes. I was so grateful. We found this little nook right here in the city and the boys were so well behaved.
The sun was just right and Steve took the most amazing shots but you don't get to see the good ones until Christmas!

We found a playground nearby for the little ones to blow off some steam after sitting still for so long. They were angels!!


April said...

I was wondering where the matching shirts came from for the boys! I am so excited to see the good pictures!! Especially because your family is so darn good-lookin'!

Serin said...

Cute kids, cute clothes, cute Sarah! I hope Steve will be in your family picture! ;)

siberianluck said...

Where is that place at?