Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New Camera!!!

                                 Cooper loves giving his sister rides on the fire engine.
     This is what we woke up to the other day in our back yard.We saw him first right in front of the chicken coop but it was before we let them out of the hen house for the day so everyone was safe. He sniffed around our yard for ten minutes or so and saw us gawking at him butit didn't scare him. We will have to keep a watchful eye out!! This picture is taken from our back door.

                      I'm so excited about our new Camera and I never knew how bad the old one                                                  was until we got the new one and it is a beautiful thing!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Say Formaggio!

Julia's front teeth are coming in nicely and she is always smiling to show them off. She is ten months old this week!

Cooper chose these nice threads for church on Sunday and he was very proud of himself. I was very impressed as well. You bet I let him go to church in those digs!